Os dejo otra nueva especie en el blog, Libythea celtis (European Beak or Nettle-tree Butterfly), inconfundible con su gran nariz…
I show you another new butterfly in the blog, a Libythea celtis (European Beak or Nettle-tree Butterfly), unmistakable with its large nose…
Camera Model : Canon EOS 7D
Exposure time [s] : 1/250
F-Number : 9.0
ISO speed ratings : 320
Date taken : 2013:04:24 13:14:12
Exposure bias value : 0
Flash : no
Focal length [mm] : 100L IS
Foto realizada en Serra da Enciña da Lastra (Ourense), a pulso.
The picture was taken in Serra da Enciña da Lastra (Ourense), handled.
Si estáis por flickr, la podéis ver aquí.
If you are in flickr, you can watch this picture here.